Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology(Balochistan)

Introduces the birth of BUET and its location
The Birth of BUET
The province of Balochistan , with its vast and diverse area about 0.347 million sq. Km and with scattered population of about 4.3 millions, spread over rugged and harsh topology with scarce means of communications and with hardly 5 inches of annual precipitation and limited irrigation options, has remained neglected and isolated from the main land for a long time.

With a view to bringing it at part, socially and economically with the rest of the country, the Government has undertaken a large number of development schemes, success of which was not forthcoming primarily because the province did not have any Engineering college of its own.

A limited number of students from the province were nominated for admission in different Engineering Institutions in other provinces of Pakistan which was not adequate to meet the growing need for engineers in the country. Besides, the socio-economic and educational constraints prevailing in the province, discouraged the large number of students from getting education in Engineering Institutions in other provinces.

Over long span of time it was therefore, seriously realized that an adequate education leading to graduation in engineering should be imparted in Balochistan as well.

The Federal Government, taking into consideration these factors, announced the establishment of the then Balochistan Engineering College at Khuzdar in 1973-74. The project of the college was given administrative approval by ECNEC in 1977. After passing through different phases of construction, the college was in a position to start its First year engineering classes in 1987-88 in the disciplines of Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering respectively. The institution was subsequently raised to the level of University after seven years of its successful performance, in the later half of 1994.

official website


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