National College of Buisness Administration& Economics (NCBA&E)(Punjab)

About Us

NCBA&E traces its roots back to 1994, when NCBA&E was founded as a private institute. Due to its excellence in teaching, learning and a close partnership with industry, soon it became the recognized place for management studies. In 1997 NCBA&E started Computer science program and finally in 2002 got the charter from the Government of the Punjab. This story of excellence and dedication for improvement is never ending, currently NCBA&E has five schools covering a vast range of disciplines and offers career programs at multiple levels like professional certifications, Undergraduate studies, Graduate studies, and post graduate studies.

e pride ourselves in making a difference - to our students, our staff and to the businesses we work with. Our research and business ideas, alongside our sought after graduates, contribute to the economic and social development of both our region and Pakistan as a whole.

Our teaching is first-rate and is supported by our world-class applied research. Our students are a diverse group and benefit from a tailored approach that helps them to get the most from their studies. We offer top quality teaching and learning facilities and the ability to learn in a way that best suits their needs.

official website


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