Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University(Balochistan)

HISTORY: Since 1953, the Sardar Bahadur Khan Sanatorium on Brewery Road had been providing shelter to patients. On March 18 , 2004 the Building was witness to a historic transformation where it was given the status of Balochistan 's first , and Pakistan 's Third women's University. From that day onwards , the Sardar Bahdur Khan Women's University of Balochistan has been striving to provide a haven to the women of Balochistan and Pakistan who are interested in educational and intellectual pursuits. The official key handing ceremony was held in the Auditorium in the university premises. The D.S Railways, presented the key to the University to the Honorable Chancellor and Vice Chancellor in a lavish ceremony consisting of prominent members of Quetta Society & Minister, Local Government officers, and Vice Chancellors from other universities in Balochistan
official website
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