University of Science & Technology Bannu(NWFP)

University of Science & Tecnology Bannu (UST Bannu) aspiration is to bridge disciplines and establish new partnerships while identifying creative approaches of enhancing academic quality and research potentialities.The UST Bannu is a newly established Public Sector University under Provincial Assembly Act No.XIII, 2005 vide Notification No: PA/NWFP/Legis:1/2005/28/16 dated, Peshawar, the 15/11/2005. UST Bannu is paving towards the journey to impart high quality education in the fields of Life Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, Business Studies and Humanities. Since its inception, the UST Bannu is pursuing its mission successfully. The first academic year was started in September 2005 with total intake of 200 students in various disciplines of IIT (Institute of Information Technology) and IMS (Institute of Management Sciences) after conducting proper entry tests and interviews. Presently Bachelor and Master level degrees are offered while the university has the intension to offer Ph.D. level degrees. It is worth mentioning that the number of students would increase by initiating new faculties and higher enrollment rate in colleges of the affiliated region. The UST Bannu is an autonomous body and is governed by the Chancellor’s Committee till the formation of Syndicate. This Committee is headed by the Governor of the NWFP vide Ordinance in 2005, comprises seven members, the major policy making and controlling body of the University. The Committee is a think tank of leading experts in the field of education, religious scholars, and representatives of the business community and senior officials of the government. This committee would work as a bridge/link between the University and the communities/business world, which is always considered to be an essential requirement for a dynamic seat of learning, working on sound grounds.

official website


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