Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

UKM is Unique shows specific information on the aspirations that led to the establishment of UKM. UKM is continuing its nationalmission in catering to needs of the people who fought for the founding of the institution. The information is immortalised for the public read as well as the future generations so that they could see the true purpose of the founding of a national university as per the people's wish.

UKM is Unique helps the empowerment of UKM especially in the aspects of discussion current issues and to create an open discussion culture among the scholars and officers. Academicians and University staff may write scholarly articles that reflect the individuality and the strengths on UKM as the only national university in Malaysia.

Terms and Conditions in Posting Articles
All participants who wish to contribute are to obey the rules of posting, which are:

  1. UKM (PPKK) reserves the rights to edit the article before it is published.
  2. UKM (PPKK) reserves the rights to prevent any article from being published in the case of:
    1. use of inappropriate or harsh language,
    2. contain sentiments of slander and/or bias,
    3. violate the third party privacy right,
    4. contain advertorial/commercial tendencies,
    5. any matterts that are against UKM's ICT policy and the UKM's guidelines for web development.
  3. UKM does not bear the responsibility in verifying the authenticity of any article that is posted with regards to other offices including the validity or copyrights related and other rules, nor UKM is is reponsible in the monitoring and vadidation of the identity of the authors.
  4. Any opinion, statement and content of articles by other third party is under the responsibility of the author and does not represent UKM.

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